
Define your community

Average people and the average community can change the world. You can do it just based on common sense, determination, persistence and patience.

—Lois Gibbs

Community is a fluid concept. It is important to define your “community” as community led change is generally more complex than organisational change due to the broad range of partners, the vital role for collaboration and the variable conceptual and / or hands-on skills level of the participants.

So, what do you mean by your community?

People live in places, move within and between places, and depend on the movement of goods to and from places. So, a community can be a location, territorial domain, and natural environment, but also a social construct, shaped by human behaviour and interactions. The degree of place based ties and connections in a region will dictate the scope rather than arbitrary boundaries such as local government areas.

Community is also different depending on its focus as the diagram below shows.

The scale of your community could be at a traded economy level involving networked medium-to-larger enterprises focused mainly / totally on economic goals, OR at a community level focused on community living standards and / or well being goals, OR at a local economy level involving small to medium enterprises focused on economic and / or community goals.


Define your community and describe it specifically in your CLIP One Page Plan. Remember your community could be:

  1. A trading economy spanning several regions.
  2. A community of place (neighbourhood, town, region etc) that wants to make a change.
  3. A community of interest or a coalition of people willing to make a change (or already doing it!).