
Systemising new processes and best practices

For changes to be of any true value, they’ve got to be lasting and consistent.

—Tony Robbins

When the community led changes are taking shape and you are achieving your Vision, it is time to pause and ask a question: “What would happen if the people driving this change stopped or the funding / resources to make it happen dried up?”

If the answer is that the initiative would falter, slow or stop, then this suggests that it is not sustainable. That means the Action Team needs to think about making this project sustainable. Kurt Lewin’s final stage of his change model is called refreezing. This means reinforcing, stabilising and solidifying the new situation after the change. Lewin found the refreezing step to be especially important to ensure that people do not revert back to their old ways of thinking or doing prior to the implementation of the change.

Consider how to make the following aspects of this project sustainable:

  • Funding: how can we ensure that there are ongoing funds to continue?
  • People: how do we make sure that there is a succession process so that the original or current drivers of the project can be either effectively supported or replaced with effective successors when they are ready to step down?
  • Support: how can we make sure that the new way of doing things gets or keeps the support from opinion leaders, government and the community?
  • Process: how can we systemise the best practices and processes that have made this project a success so far?


Discuss how the Project can be made as sustainable as possible in terms of funding, people, support and systems. Make plans to build a sustainable future for the project.